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Access Levels

Access Levels are templates of permissions that are used to provide consistency when determining which doors your users can access and during what timeframes.

Using Access Levels in Volo​

Viewing Access Levels​

You can view the available Access Levels by using the link in the main header navigation menu.

Access Levels Menu Item

From here, you can view the details of an existing Access Level by clicking on the details icon.

Access Levels Details

The details view shows the specific configuration you have in place for the selected Access Level. This includes, the sites included in the Access Level and the timeframes during which users may access each of the doors within the site.

Access Level Details View


Using clear and unambiguous names for your Doors and Timezones will help to make it easier to understand your Access Levels.

Creating New Access Levels​

You can create new Access Levels by following this process:

  1. Navigate to the Access Levels page using the link in the main navigation menu at the top of the page
  2. Click on the New link in the left-hand navigation menu

Access Levels Details

  1. In the New Access Level view, enter a name
  2. Select the desired Timezone for each Door that you wish to be included in the Access Level
  3. Click Save & Close when you are finished

Access Levels Menu Item


If you are applying the same timezone to all doors in a site then you can use the dropdown lists for the site.

If you are applying the same timezone to all doors in all sites, then you can use the Set All Timezones dropdown list.

These options can make the process much faster - particularly if you have a lot of doors or a lot of sites!

Updating Access Levels​

You can make changes to an existing Access Level by opening up the Details view and clicking the Edit button. From here, you can change the Timezones that you have associated with any door.


Changing Access Levels will result in users having their access revoked and then granted with the updated rules from your Access Level.

During this process, there will be a period of time when users cannot access their doors.

You should consider how many users will be affected by this change. We recommend making highly impactful changes at a time when it is least likely to cause disruption to users.

Deleting Access Levels​

You can delete Access Levels by clicking on the dustbin icon alongside each Access Level in the main view.

Access Levels Menu Item


You cannot delete an Access Level if it is in use (assigned to any users). If you attempt to delete an Access Level that is assigned to one or more users, a warning message will pop up, and you will be prevented from deleting it.